Learn if Invisalign is the Right Orthodontic Treatment for You
For patients requiring orthodontic treatment, there are many options available. While some patients will need traditional metal braces, some patients may qualify for the Invisalign system, which can help realign your teeth without having those cumbersome metal braces put in place. When you come to Bandeen Orthodontics in Three Rivers, our experienced staff will thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth to give you an honest assessment of your condition in determining where or not you are a candidate for the Invisalign system. In today’s post, we will discuss what you should expect if the Invisalign system is the right option for your orthodontic needs.
Orthodontic Records – after the initial determination, we will need to take thorough imagery of your teeth and mouth, consisting of photographs, x-rays, and even impressions which will be submitted to the Invisalign laboratory for the development of your aligners.
We Work Directly with Invisalign – once the laboratory has all of the imagery and impression of your teeth, they will create a computerized model of your teeth. Once these have been created, we will work closely with Invisalign to ensure that they can make the sequential set of aligners you need to meet your ultimate treatment goals.
Start Your Treatment – once we have received your aligners, we will work with you to make sure you understand how to properly implement the system and care for the aligners for the best possible results. Each patient is different, so your treatment plan will be unique to that of other patients.
Follow Up to Ensure Proper Results – after you have finished with the sequence of aligners, we will again examine your teeth, possibly taking another set of impressions in case any fine tuning needs to be done to reach your orthodontic goals.
Maintain Your New Smile – once you have successfully completed your Invisalign treatment system, we can provide you with a set of retainers to help maintain your tooth alignment, along with ongoing appointments to ensure long-term success.
While Invisalign has worked for a number of patients, it is not appropriate for everyone. Our goal at Bandeen Orthodontics in Three Rivers is to ensure that every patient gets the right treatment to meet their individual goals. Contact us to schedule your initial consultation.